I had seen this one, when I was in my late teens. Decided to re-watch when I was bored, and also because I thought, the final act might just give me the closure I never got. Also, it was on Netflix. Where do I even start with this one…

You can say this story started when the Girl leapt across the time well. But, I think this started when Kikyo uttered the words “die Inuyasha” and pinned him to a tree. The priestess Kikyo and the Jewel of the four souls. That, is what this game is about. And the demon Naraku that coveted the jewel and the priestess that guarded it.

But then of course, Kikyo died. And was reborn as Kagome. Along with the Jewel, for that was the jewel’s wish. Kagome then leapt across centuries to land in the Feudal Japan and resurrected ( sort of ) Inuyasha from the tree. And their story continued. I mean, this is one hell of a love triangle. Yet it makes no sense. If Kikyo gets to be with Inuyasha, she would be at peace, and if Kagome gets to be with him then Kikyo need not worry – she will fulfill her heart’s desire in another life. Why quarrel over one man. Especially when Kikyo could set her eyes upon an even better – Inuyasha’s old brother – DaiYokai Sesshomaru. Or who knows, maybe even Naraku – naraku loved her enough to start this damn tall tale to begin with.

Love triangles aside, th estoryline of inuyasha and Sesshomaru and the swords of their honorable father, are also very interesting. While Tetsaiga’s transoformations are very shounen anime trope, the twist in the end, the role Tenseiga plays, and in turn its wielder and his love hate relationship with it, is very intricate. Even when I rewatched it, it was clear, that Sesshomaru was the other central figure of the story. And unlike Kikyo, who perishes once more, to make room for Kagome, Sesshomaru continues to live on, as both the strongest as well as the most enigmatically charming character of the story.

Sesshomaru and the many women that love him are another story arc altogether. And as if Rin and him wern;t shocking enough, Kagura’s feelings for me, and him coming to her last moments were just … outsanding for me. Kikyo and Sesshomaru are definitely the main protagonists of the show. Naraku being the antagonist, Kagome and Inuyasha and Sango and Miroku are just …characters. In fact everyone else is a side character. Even if it doesn’t feel that way.

Between Kagura, Kikyo, Kagome and Sango and her Cat Carrier – this show had its fair share of amazing female characters. That’s when you know it was written by a woman. The men arn’t that bad, And Sesshomaru is definitely the best of the lot. Leaving you with my favorite pictures.

Any Thoughts on this?